Twin Rhino Double Logo Black
Twin Rhino Double Logo Black







All we long for is the freedom to move from point A to B without any restrictions!

Alan ❤️

Who are we

Twin Rhino

We represent the name of Twin Rhino.

Alan created this website in 2015 to showcase his photography skills and it is now a mix of a travel blog and life-experience stories.

The Twin Rhino name comes from Alan’s love for his favourite animal the rhinoceros. As he had the chance to travel with his family to South Africa in 2005 when he was just 15 years old and he saw wild rhinos grazing in the savannah woodlands where water is becoming a scarce resource and he loved the animal from that very moment.

And Twin comes from his zodiac sign as he is born on June the 20th.

Have a great day and enjoy our content!
Alan portrait from 2016

Where to find us

Bredastraat 87, 2060 Antwerpen

We’re destined to reach out and communicate with our readers through a kind medium

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